A mystery shopper has made a fortune


Tax officials were surprised to see the name of a mystery shopper on a list of high tax payers. A mystery shopper last year made almost two hundred thousand dollars alone. Tax officials interviewed her and said that she was very dedicated to her job. She was always on the internet everyday and if ever she had to test a lot of products, she would ask the help of her sisters and brothers. The mystery shopper says that the job is very fulfilling because she does not need to go to an office from nine to five and be bored for the rest of the day. She describes the work of a mystery shopper as dynamic and exciting. Everyday, she gets to try a new product and she learns something new about the world everyday. She is never bored since products of different types keep getting requests for trials.

How does a mystery shopper like her write all the reviews? She used to work as a copywriter in an advertising firm and she decided to quit because of the birth of her new child. She is a single mom and she is trying to make a living while taking care of her daughter at the same time. If she had to go to the advertising firm, she would have to hire a nanny, do overtime, and really stress herself out. She said that she wasn’t willing to go through all of that stress. Instead, she decided to take a chance at a mystery shopper website. At first, she did not have a lot of income but as she wrote great reviews one by one, she started to get known. A lot of companies preferred her to do the reviews because she did such a good job. She understands the consumer so well, according to one of her clients.

Should you become a mystery shopper as well? A lot of buzz has been created on this new type of job. You have flexible hours. You can delegate responsibilities to basically whoever you want. You do not have a boss. You call the shots. You can earn a lot of money and at the same time, you can spend so much time with your loved ones too. If you have intentions of changing your career then being a mystery shopper should be on your list of alternative careers. Who knows? You may be one of the next mystery shoppers earning six digits a year

Find out more about A mystery shopper at The Shadow Shopper.This article was supplied by Mac T. Wheeler, you can find out more about him over at My Sabai – Freelance and Technology Blog.

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