

World Diabetes Day: Largest Human Blue Ring to enter Guinness Book of World Records


LCHC is attempting to form the LARGEST HUMAN BLUE RING of 7000+ (all wearing Blue T-shirts & Blue Caps) people who include adults and children with diabetes, school students, doctors, teachers, people from social organizations and other citizens. This will be the largest ever human ring to be formed to spread awareness on diabetes. To this effect a request for its inclusion in the Guinness...

14 Hours long Marathon Surgery at Batra Hospital Gives New Life to Sita and Gita


8 Surgical teams of 27 total specialist and 12 dedicated nursing staff worked on these children simultaneously. This has been a phenomenal success story not only for the Batra Hospital & Medical Research Centre, but also for the Indian Medical Fraternity which has truly made rapid strides to be world leaders in healthcare. The full medical team was of Batra Hospital full time doctors, which...