Auto Insurance in San Antonio: More than Covering Your Car


Many people searching for auto insurance in San Antonio know that by law, you must carry auto insurance. What some do not understand is just how important it is to properly insure your assets. There are many different options when choosing how to insure your automobile, but your vehicle is not the only thing that needs protection. As it pertains to coverage, what is adequate?

Recent research has shown that only about three percent of drivers purchase the state minimum (25,000/50,000) of insurance. Ellis Insurance Agency, a company that has been in business nearly 30 years, says with the cost of repairs to vehicles “carrying 50,000/100,000 is more of the norm”. To illustrate why this is important, let us examine a multitude of scenarios drivers might find themselves in.

Imagine this: You have just purchased state minimum auto insurance in San Antonio and you are driving your vehicle, just as you do every morning on your way to work. Sitting in the same boring traffic you do everyday, you take a sip of your fresh brewed coffee and spill a little on your seat. Reaching for a napkin in the glove box you are jolted with a sudden “crash!” You look up only to see that you have rear-ended a brand new Mercedes that has a father taking his 9-year-old daughter to school inside. You were going 30 MPH, and the damage to the back of the Mercedes is noticeable. What is not noticeable is how bad the damage is to the passengers in the Mercedes. The force from your vehicle caused the child to have a broken back. Your insurance, the state minimum, will only pay $25,000 to the child, but the medical bills are $50,000. That extra $25,000 will be taken directly from your pocket when they sue you. Not to mention the damage to the Mercedes is $35,000, so you will owe another $10,000 out of pocket for the repair to the vehicle.

Imagine this: Let us continue the previous example. You were driving your 2007 Honda Accord when you smashed into the back of the Mercedes. You were very responsible and saved your money and have paid the vehicle off in only two years. The vehicle is still worth $19,000. Trying to save money, you only purchased state minimum liability, because by law in Texas that is all you are forced to carry when you own your car with no debt. The front end of your car is crumpled and the axel is bent from the impact. After getting towed to the repair shop (which is paid out of your pocket unless you purchase roadside assistance), they tell you it will cost you $8,500 to repair your vehicle. Since you do not have full coverage (which usually comes with a $500 deductible) you are responsible for all of that out of your own pocket.

Being well informed of all options is the surest way to avoid insurance pitfalls. Speaking with and agent, such as those at Ellis Insurance Agency in San Antonio can help you to understand all of your options. Give them a call today and make sure you are not falling into the common insurance traps. Proper coverage does not mean ultra expensive; achieve security today!

Ellis Insurance Agency
Phone: 210.979.9000
Email: [email protected]

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By david5390