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Indus Net Technologies Announces FREE Website Clinic at the Internet World 2009

For Immidiate Release

Indus Net Technologies today announced the free “Website Clinic” Program that they are offering to all the exhibitors and the attendees at Internet World. This clinic is ideally suited to those who have a web site and want to improve the results from their site. This service will give them a chance to get their website assessed by seasoned professionals who have spent years in building and marketing websites.

Internet World is Europe’s biggest event related to digital marketing and online business and is being held at Earl’s Court in London from 28-30 April this year. The attendees come from marketing and management field and are looking for suppliers in Search, Online Advertising, eCommerce, Web 2.0, Content Management, Usability/Accessibility and more.

“Most websites do not get nearly the amount, or quality of traffic they had hoped for. People who visit these sites might leave quickly because they find it boring, confusing or just plain frustrating. And this is a lost opportunity for the company that owns the website.” said Abhishek Rungta, CEO of Indus Net Technologies. “Some minor tweaks can do wonders to the response rate of your website. And a few secret strategies can drive hordes of customers to your web site. At the clinic, experts will review your website from the point of view of the customer and the search engines and give you up to five actionable tips specific to your website, to instantly improve the response rate and your profits substantially”, he added.

The broad areas that will be covered for the tips will be:
1. Website look and feel
2. Headlines and content
3. Credibility building
4. Search engine compatibility
5. Ease of use

The web sites are much more economic and responsive marketing tools for any business in these times of recession and it is important that the marketers make their sites work at the best possible performance level.
“As this is a no-obligation, 100% free review and the time we can devote to these reviews is limited, we are expecting heavy response to the ‘Website Clinic’ and you should register early to avoid disappointment” advised Mr. Mukul Gupta, who will be co-ordinating the event.

Contact Details:
Abhishek Rungta (
Indus Net Technologies (
105 Baker Street
London, W1U 6NY
United Kingdom

Web Site:
Phone: +44-20-8144-4070
Fax : 1-(760)-284-6062


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