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Miscosoftware Released Deva xFTP Ver 7.0 Build 2200 in May 14, 2009

May 14, 2009, Miscosoftware announces the release of Deva xFTP ver 7.0 Build 2200, a Windows-based FTP Client Software that integrated Certificate Authority(CA), Web Link Checker, Sitemap Generator, HTML Online Editor and HTML/xHTML Validator webmaster tools.

Webmasters transfer files between local machine and remote server frequently. Perhaps test the links in web pages, check the orphan files in site directory, building Sitemaps when the Web site updated, and validate the HTML/xHTML grammar conforming to the official rules. These works are time-consuming and need a lot of tools to do this.

Deva xFTP offers a integrated solution for webmasters to managing the Websites on the internet. It integrated faster File Transfer Engine, CA, Link Checking, Orphan files Checking, Sitemap Generating, HTML Online Editor, HTML/xHTML Validator and a series of folder tools into one main program – Deva xFTP. With these wide array of easy-to-use tools, Deva xFTP simplifies the site management.

Deva xFTP’s main File Transfer Engine supports more file transfer protocols, includes: standard FTP, FTPS over TLS/SSL implicit port 990, FTPS over SSL explicit through AUTH FTP extension, FTPS over TLS/SSL explicit through AUTH FTP extension, SFTP using SSH2(Secure Shell), standard HTTP and HTTPS Transfer protocols.

In version 7.0, Deva xFTP redesigned the Transfer Engine and supplied more improved features, such as high performance and better stability. In this release, Deva xFTP also integrated a built-in HTML editor. Users can edit HTML and other ASCII (text) based documents in Deva xFTP. It was added primarily for remote file editing. This enables Webmasters and users select a document on the remote site, load it in the editor, make quick changes, and then save the document back to the remote location.

Additionally, Deva xFTP makes some minor update on the program, such as Improved Shell Extension feature, added Watching Internet Explorer click events feature, etc.

Deva xFTP uses modern Graphical User Interface (GUI), like Office 2007. This makes it a perfect tool for both new and experienced users. It supports skins replacing feature, which allows users to customize many modern Office 2007 style User Interfaces.

Deva xFTP is the right choice for site management. It is both affordable to everyone and a real value.

System Requirements
Deva xFTP will run under Windows 98, Me, NT4, win2000, winXP and win2003 on an Intel-based 486 PC or greater. The program requires 40 MB of RAM and 8MB of disk space.

Price and Availability
Deva xFTP ver7.0 is available now. The price is $59.95USD. A trial version is available from the Miscosoftware website at:


Full Version Evaluation
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Miscosoftware based in Tianjin, China, produces high-quality and innovative software products for the Windows operating system.

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