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OMLogic Gains Strong Foothold in Online Event Promotion with WEB INNOVATION 2007

OMLogic Consulting strengthened its expertise in online promotion of events as the Online Marketing Partner for WEB INNOVATION 2007, which was held in Bangalore, India in Dec 2007.

Delhi, India, 5th February 2008 – OMLogic Consulting announced successful completion of online promotion of WEB INNOVATION 2007.

Speaking on the success of WEB INNOVATION 2007, Mr. Kapil Gupta, Co-founder & Director, OMLogic Consulting, said, “We are extremely delighted to be a part of WEB INNOVATION 2007, which focused on Web 2.0. The success of this campaign has once again proven our expertise in the online event promotion space.”

The campaign was highly successful and brought more than 10,000 potential customers for Web-Innovation. OMLogic Consulting brought 57% of all new visitors to the Web-Innovation web-portal during the time of its promotion.

Online Event Promotion is increasingly gaining importance as the media of choice for all events world wide, and is expected to pull significant percentage from traditional marketing spend. Its global reach, coupled with its capability to measure effectiveness of every advertisement and every spend provides a great marketing tool for event organizers. OMLogic is on track to become the leading online promotion service provider for all events.”

WEB INNOVATION 2007 is the forum for Designers, Developers, Product Managers, Entrepreneurs, Enterprise, VCs, Marketing Specialists, Strategists, Consultants and others to understand the WEB 2.0 tools, trends and technologies better in order to harness endless business opportunities.

WEB INNOVATION 2007 was one of its kinds of event in India and was attended by over 900 delegates. This edition of the conference and exhibition focused on the latest Web 2.0 business and technology themes including “Web 2.0 & beyond”, “Evolution of the web design and development markets”, “Define how the web will drive newer successful businesses in the days to follow”, and “Innovative Technologies, Models and Methods for building and harnessing the Next generation Web”. Pradeep Chopra, one of the co-founders of OMLogic and an online marketing expert, also spoke at the conference on the importance of conversions in online marketing. To know more about it, visit WEB INNOVATION 2007.

About OMLogic

OMLogic Consulting is India’s leading online marketing company. It’s unique and a holistic approach to online marketing ensures that its customers get the best possible returns on their online marketing investments. Unlike most other online marketing firms, OMLogic works with its customers as its partners and treats online marketing as a core and an integral part of its customer’s business. It starts its customer engagement by first understanding its customer business thoroughly and then by creating a customized online marketing strategy.

To know more about how OMLogic can help your business go global and produce breakthrough results using online marketing, check out OMLogic’s online marketing services.

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