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Pure Hawaiian Gold Kona Coffee Beens

The largest sustainable Coffee Plantation in America would be the Kona Gold Coffee Plantation.

The Parry Estate reaches across 900 rain-blessed acres high on the slopes of the Kona region in Hawaii, where the rainy and dry seasons are clearly defined. Raised on Mauna Loa’s volcanic mountain slopes, bathed in crystalline water and cooled by Pacific trade winds all combine to give Hawaiian Fancy Kona it’s striking exotic character. Elegantly smooth-bodied, pleasant acidity, delicately aromatic, this seductive mixture produces a vibrant taste that is well known across the world as a varietal favorite.

Kona Gold Coffee proudly practices sustainable agriculture by utilizing agricultural systems which minimize the impact on the environment, even as looking after the cultural and social needs of its workers. The Parry Estate Plantation can be found on land that in the past belonged to King Kamehameha and company archaeologists are working to protect the great king’s legacy on historical sites that can be found all over the property. Hundreds of acres have been put aside to conserve the ecological and historical heritage of this extraordinary paradise. Gold Coffee Company is family owned and has been in operation for 25 years. Everybody who works on the plantation is totally dedicated to the cause of preserving the fertile soils and crystalline waters for future generations with the use of sustainable agriculture.

A state of the art Roasting Facility is owned by Gold Coffee Company and is found in Palm Beach County, Florida and roasts its coffee in small batches, relying on the skill and expertise of the roastmaster instead of automated equipment. Just like fine wines, each coffee possesses unique regional characteristics and requires a precise roast level designed to release the intense flavor of every individual coffee. Gold Coffee is roasted in a big rotating drum and this ensures a concentrated heat. The intense heat of roasting results in a specific chemical reaction inside the coffee bean. Most of the moisture will have evaporated after the beans have been in the roaster for 5 minutes and the beans swell and turn a harvest golden color radiating a grassy fragrance. At about 7 minutes “FIRST POP” occurs. A loud cracking noise will be heard as intense heat causes the gases to escape and the beans to double in size. After 9 minutes the beans will appear to be a pale brown color, be weak in body and will taste predominantly sour. After 11 minutes the beans reach an even brown color. Sugars and starches are now transformed into the volatile oils that give coffee the rich flavor and aroma. All this time, the roastmaster is painstakingly applying his craft, watching and waiting. “SECOND POP” will occur after about 13 minutes of heating and expanding and this is the sign that the coffee is near perfection. Every second sees a change in colour and aroma. A memorable moment occurs at about 15 minutes. A deep robust aroma fills the air as the roastmaster spills the smoking coffee beans right into a cylindrical cooling tray. where fresh air finishes the roasting process.

Gold Coffee Company is passionate about their Full City Roast because it accentuates their magnificent premium coffee beans.

Gold Coffee committed to provide pure Hawaiian Gold Kona Coffee beans from their plantation on Kona Island, Hawaii. You will definitely enjoy the rich flavor of Gold Coffee.

1425 park lane south

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